man in gray quarter-sleeved shirt singing

The End of the World

(Peter and Anna walk through a park. People are running through, shouting. Peter is perplexed.) PETER: What’s going on? ANNA: Oh, thatā€™s probably because the world is going to end in an hour. PETER: Wait, what?? Since when?? ANNA: Oh, it was on the news all morning. Asteroid. Seems pretty inevitable. PETER: (Flabergasted) What? We…

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a person drowns underwater

Endings, Evaluated

Hanging/Suffocation Pros: Few materials necessary Cons: Requires expert knot-tying skills and are hard to test Gunshot Pros: Quick, easy Cons: Messy, if it goes wrong, your life will be really terrible, requires gun Carbon Monoxide Pros: Can park anywhere, be found by anyone Cons: If it goes wrong, you could have permanent brain damage Cutting…

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